Table of Contents

Project details

Name: GECKO3power
Maintainer unknown
Development status: stable
Compatibility: GECKO3


This is the electronic module of gecko3-robot.
It mainly consists of three parts:

Below you find the description of all sub modules of the board.

Schematic and Bill of Material

Bill of material


Power Switch

Three position switch functions:

Motor driver

H-Brige Vishay Si9986

Full support H-Brige for forward, backward and brake.

Datasheet: Si9986
Application Note: Application Note

Controlling the motors

The two motors are controlled by the two signals INA and INB of each motor:

Name Description FPGA output
M1_INA Control signal A for motor 1 AA21
M1_INB Control signal B for motor 1 AB24
M2_INA Control signal A for motor 2 AC26
M2_INB Control signal B for motor 2 W24

The motor acts according to the control signal:

Signal Brake +Dir -Dir Open
Mx_INA 0 0 1 1
Mx_INB 0 1 0 1

Pinning of the Motor Connector JP1 and JP2

JP1 and JP2 connect the GECKO3power with the Maxon motors.

Pin Name Description
1 MA+ Motor positive output
2 +3V3 Motor 3.3 V supply (independent from System 3.3 V)
3 Mx_ENA Encoder output A
4 Mx_ENB Encoder output B
5 GND System GND
6 MA- Motor negative output

Motor and Decoder

Are documented under Motors.


Line Sensor

With these sensors and the on board circuit to realize a Delta-Sigma ADC (R-C element for integration, D Flip-Flop) you are able to measure the brightness of the floor. So you can build a robot that is following for example a white line on a darker floor.

Reflective Sensor Vishay TCND5000

Datasheet: tcnd5000

Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

Devantech SRF10

Datasheet with description of the I2C commands: srf10tech.htm


The battery is a common lithium-ion type rechargeable type.

Contrell PA-LP987

Battery Charger LTC4075EDD

Charge through USB or with wall adapter.

To charge it using a USB cable you can use any USB connector on any other board connected to the system bus!

Wall adapter Input

The wall adapter input is a common barrel connector.


If you need a connector to plug into the robot you can use the one with order number 151300 at Distrelec

DC/DC Converter

The system voltage of GECKO3 modules is 3.3 V. The DC/DC Converter is the primary power supply for any 3.3 V component on other modules.


60 to 120 pin adapter

This adapter connects the power module to the system bus electrically and matches the height and position of the system bus connector for the gecko3 robot.

Schematic and bill of material:

Pinning of the 120 pin GECKO3 system bus.