Table of Contents

GECKO3 Coding Guidelines

In order to keep code readable and consistent, please use the coding guidelines shown on this page.


File and Function Header

The headers have to be commented in the Doxygen style. After commenting you can use therefore Doxygen to create your source code documentation.

Demo File Header

 * Copyright (C) 2008 by
 *   ___    ____  _   _
 *  (  _`\ (  __)( ) ( )
 *  | (_) )| (_  | |_| |   Bern University of Applied Sciences
 *  |  _ <'|  _) |  _  |   School of Engineering and
 *  | (_) )| |   | | | |   Information Technology
 *  (____/'(_)   (_) (_)
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * \file    usb_tmc.c
/* \brief   Implements the USB TMC protocol.
 * \author  Lukas Kohler kll1
 * \date    2009-02-04 kll1 created

Demo Function Header

/* \brief      Reads all USB devices and returns the amount of found 
 *             Gecko3 systems.
 * \param[in]  char print: if not 0, prints more information 
 * \param[out] -
 * \return     int numberOfGeckos: amount of found Gecko3's
 * \warning    The amount of Gecko3's is limited by MAX_GECKOS_ON_USB!
 * \author     Lukas Kohler kll1
 * \date       2009-02-04 kll1 created
 * \test       OK

Further Reading


To get a good an structured VHDL project, it's important to use some basic code guidelines. First of all, use never spaces in names. In place of a space use an underline.

File names

Every VHDL file in a project has a unique and well chosen name. The file name must be the same as the ENTITY name in the file.

E.g.: File named: adder_gen.vhd

        entity adder_gen is
        end adder_gen;

File header

Every VHDL file has a header part. This part contains the developer's name and some infos concerning the file. If you develop for the GECKO3 you have to take the following header template.

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Filename          : test_name.vhd
-- Modelname         : 
-- Title             : 
-- Purpose           :
-- Author(s)         : Muster ||
-- Comment           :
-- Assumptions       :
-- Limitations       :
-- Known errors      :
-- Specification ref : Part of ...
-- Description       : Short description
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Modification history:
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Version  | Author | Date       | Changes made
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- 1.0      | hga3   | 04.07.2008 | inital version
--          |        |            | 

Name of signals and variables

To get informations about the function of a signal or a variable during the programming follow, it's important to choose a name as good as possible. The following obligatory conventions should used:

Signals in an entity

In an entity you have ports to communicate with the outside world of your component those signals can take one of the following types: IN, OUT, BUFFER, INOUT. In the name of the ports it's important to get informations about the port, also take the following name conventions:

Type info name prefix
IN input i_
OUT output o_
BUFFER buffered output b_
INOUT bidirectional port io_

To get informations about the activity, the conventions are as follows:

low active n
high active “nothing”

E.g.: Signal name

   i_nReset   -- name for a negative reset (input)
   i_Clk      -- name for a positive clock (input)


For a GENERIC (generic value) use g_ as name prefix


The CONSTANTS, SIGNALS and VARIABLES available in the architecture of your IP core should be named as follows:

CONSTANTS → The name of a constant is written in capital letters
SIGNALS → The name of a signal starts with a s_
VARIABLE → The name of a variable starts with a v_